Computer Music Swift
Swift and AVMIDIPlayerSwift and AVMIDIPlayer
Swift and AVMIDIPlayer How to play MIDI data via the AVFoundation AVMIDIPlayer. Introduction Playing a MIDI File Playing NSData Playing a MusicSequence Update: Swift 2 {...}
Computer Music Swift
Swift and AVMIDIPlayer How to play MIDI data via the AVFoundation AVMIDIPlayer. Introduction Playing a MIDI File Playing NSData Playing a MusicSequence Update: Swift 2 {...}
Computer Music Swift
Swift AUGraph and MusicSequence The AudioToolbox MusicSequence remains the only way to create a MIDI Sequence programmatically. The AVFoundation class AVMIDIPlayer will play a MIDI {...}
Swift Array item removal without an index The surprising contortions that you need to go through in order to remove an item from an array {...}
Swift dragging a UIView Here is one simple way to drag a UIView. Introduction Beginning the drag Dragging Ending the drag Summary Resources Introduction There {...}
AVFoundation Computer Music Swift
Swift AVFoundation Recorder Use AVFoundation to create an audio recording. Introduction Creating a Recorder Recorder Delegate Recording Summary Resources Introduction AVFoundation makes audio recording a {...}