AVFoundation Swift
Apple System SoundsApple System Sounds
AudioToolbox.AudioServices Introduction There are many ways to play audio on Apple devices. Sometimes it’s confusing due to so many choices. This is the first post {...}
AVFoundation Swift
AudioToolbox.AudioServices Introduction There are many ways to play audio on Apple devices. Sometimes it’s confusing due to so many choices. This is the first post {...}
AVFoundation Core Audio Swift
Multi-timbral AVAudioUnitMIDIInstrument in Swift Table of Contents Introduction Core Audio Unit AVFoundation Unit Summary Resources Introduction Table of Contents There is one sublcass of AVAudioUnitMIDIInstrument {...}
AVFoundation Swift
The Great AVAudioUnitSampler workout How to use the AVAudioUnitSampler using Swift. This was written for Swift 3. The Github repo has been updated for Swift {...}
AVFoundation Computer Music Core Audio Swift
iOS: trimming audio files I’ve written about how to record audio on iOS using Swift. But, how do you trim the recording? Introduction Summary Resources {...}
AVFoundation Computer Music Swift
Swift AVFoundation Recorder Use AVFoundation to create an audio recording. Introduction Creating a Recorder Recorder Delegate Recording Summary Resources Introduction AVFoundation makes audio recording a {...}