tvOS: playing audiotvOS: playing audio
Playing MIDI on tvOS According to Apple’s App Programming Guide for tvOS, AVFoundation is supported in tvOS. Groovy! Let’s use AVMIDIPlayer to play a file! {...}
Playing MIDI on tvOS According to Apple’s App Programming Guide for tvOS, AVFoundation is supported in tvOS. Groovy! Let’s use AVMIDIPlayer to play a file! {...}
Apple Swift tvOS
Apple TV TVML tvOS hello world app in Swift Introduction Getting started Server side Swift code Security Summary Update Resources Introduction Table of Contents So, {...}
Cocoa Swift
Swift NSTableView and NSArrayController In my NSTableView column chooser example, I used a table data source and delegate to manage the table’s data. Just like {...}
Cocoa Swift
Swift NSTable Column Chooser Although I wrote NeXTStep programs back in the 1980s for my dissertation, I haven’t written many Cocoa programs. The extra Apple {...}
AVFoundation Computer Music Core Audio Swift
iOS: trimming audio files I’ve written about how to record audio on iOS using Swift. But, how do you trim the recording? Introduction Summary Resources {...}