Core MIDI Swift
Swift 1.2 beta2 and CoreMIDISwift 1.2 beta2 and CoreMIDI
Swift 1.2 beta2 and CoreMIDI Someone is actually working on CoreMIDI with Swift. N.B. Apple has improved Core MIDI support for Swift since this was {...}
Core MIDI Swift
Swift 1.2 beta2 and CoreMIDI Someone is actually working on CoreMIDI with Swift. N.B. Apple has improved Core MIDI support for Swift since this was {...}
Swift Framework creation This is my preferred way to set up a Swift framework project. Introduction Setup Building A Framework Class Trying it out Summary {...}
Apple Core MIDI MIDI Swift
Swift fail: MIDIClientCreate There is a problem with calling Core MIDI’s MIDIClientCreate function from Swift. N.B. This article was true when published. Apple has since {...}
Book Review Swift
There is now a tidal wave of books being released on Apple’s new Swift programming language. Here, I’m going to review iOS 8 for Programmers: {...}
Apple Computer Music MIDI Swift
iOS Bluetooth MIDI LE Introduction The Bluetooth classes Summary Resources Introduction iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite now supports sending and receiving MIDI data using {...}