Emacs daemon on macOSEmacs daemon on macOS
Set up the Emacs daemon as a Launch Agent on macOS. {...}
Set up the Emacs daemon as a Launch Agent on macOS. {...}
Computer Music Emacs SuperCollider
SuperCollider (Github) has a decent IDE these days. But perhaps you’d like to use an actual editor like Emacs. Sam Aaron published an article on {...}
Java NetBeans
Have you installed an Early Access Release of JDK 8? You may want to still use JDK 7 for some projects. I have a JavaFX {...}
Eclipse jQuery Spring MVC
I use several JavaScript libraries in my web apps. Just one of the many reasons I like Spring MVC over other web frameworks – like {...}
Clojure IDE
I’ve been using the Emacs since my Lisp and AI course back in 1987. (My use of the definite article betrays that :)) So, of {...}