maven and log4jmaven and log4j
For some reason log4j 1.2.15 has a compile time dependency on JMX even if you’re not going to compile log4j. Go figure. I’m not the {...}
For some reason log4j 1.2.15 has a compile time dependency on JMX even if you’re not going to compile log4j. Go figure. I’m not the {...}
Eclipse IDE Maven
RAD 7.5 was just released and I just installed it. Lots of improvements. It’s based on Eclipse 3.4 now. One glitch. I use the Maven {...}
Ever get this? [crayon-67b9d3bcefb13679509178/] You probably have something like this: [crayon-67b9d3bcefb18971422869/] See that dname element on line 6? If you reformatted your code in Eclipse {...}
Eclipse IDE Maven
The m2Eclipse plugin has been accepted into the Eclipse Foundation. Perhaps this will push development along. Already there is a ton of new features in {...}