Spring Framework Spring MVC
Spring MVC 3 ShowcaseSpring MVC 3 Showcase
SpringSource member Keith Donald has announced that he is providing simple demos of new additions to Spring MVC version 3. This is a Maven project {...}
Spring Framework Spring MVC
SpringSource member Keith Donald has announced that he is providing simple demos of new additions to Spring MVC version 3. This is a Maven project {...}
Maven Spring Framework
So I gave the beta of the jetty maven plugin a try. What I had was this: [crayon-67b9ddc8abfa7031071868/] I changed it to this which is {...}
JPA Spring Framework
So you want to use Spring with commons BasicDataSource and OpenJPA? There is an interesting gotcha. Let’s start with just the DriverManager DataSource for comparison. {...}
Spring Framework Testing
Let’s say you’re using JUnit 4 and the Spring Testing classes (the 2.5+ versions) for your unit tests. You can specify parameters as shown in {...}
Maven Spring Framework
Many developers like to use a lightweight embedded database such as Hsqldb or Derby in their development environment. But usually the application is deployed using {...}