Swift Testing Uncategorized
KVO Quick Spec unit testsKVO Quick Spec unit tests
If you're using KVO, how can you test the changes on your classes/structs? {...}
Swift Testing Uncategorized
If you're using KVO, how can you test the changes on your classes/structs? {...}
Spring Framework Testing
Let’s say you’re using JUnit 4 and the Spring Testing classes (the 2.5+ versions) for your unit tests. You can specify parameters as shown in {...}
DB Spring Framework Testing
I’ve been taking a legacy codebase, putting testing in place and refactoring. For DB access I retrofitted the persistence classes to be injected via Spring {...}
Selenium Spring Framework Testing
In a previous post I wrote about using JUnit4 with Selenium. So how about injecting your JUnit run listener via Spring? My first attempt modified {...}
Selenium Testing
The Selenium website seems to be biased towards TestNG. That’s fine but I’m using JUnit4. One nice feature of the selenium testcase class is to {...}