Spring MVC
Spring @MVC configuration without XMLSpring @MVC configuration without XML
XML is no longer hip. Actually, there is nothing as unhip as last year’s hip. That is until it becomes hip again 30 years later {...}
Spring MVC
XML is no longer hip. Actually, there is nothing as unhip as last year’s hip. That is until it becomes hip again 30 years later {...}
Hibernate JPA Spring Framework
I tried to deploy a webapp that uses Spring 3, JPA with the Hibernate implementation and Tomcat. There are domain classes with a DAO layer {...}
Spring Framework
Let’s say you wrap stored procedures with Spring’s StoredProcedure class like this: [crayon-67ca660bcc46a201336200/] That @Repository annotation, like @Component and @Service, allows you to tell Spring {...}
DB Spring Framework Testing
I’ve been taking a legacy codebase, putting testing in place and refactoring. For DB access I retrofitted the persistence classes to be injected via Spring {...}
Selenium Spring Framework Testing
In a previous post I wrote about using JUnit4 with Selenium. So how about injecting your JUnit run listener via Spring? My first attempt modified {...}