Fuse ESB and usability

Fuse is a packaging of open source projects for SOA. It looks promising and comes
with Eclipse tooling.

Before I start I want to mention an initial stumble. Go to the download site for
the ESB for example:


You are greeted with a registration form. No surprise. I registered, got the email and validated my registration which took me to the iona site.

Then I went back to the esb page to download it. Once again the registration page.
I guess I’m not logged in. Is there a login page? After all they asked for a login name and password on the registration page. well, none that I can see. So how to I get this magic code?

At the bottom of the registration page is a link that says “No thanks”. That will yield the zip for you.

Someone needs to read up on usability.

Article by gene

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